I want to be an Electrical Engineer

Explore the world of electricity and discover how electrical engineers keep our modern world powered. This book takes you on a journey through the fascinating history of electricity, from ancient experiments to modern-day discoveries, whilst learning how the modern profession of electrical engineering came about.

There’s no one set way towards becoming an electrical engineer, but a great way to start is to acquire a prowess in mathematics and physics, a degree in an engineering-related field and practical experience. From then on, the choice is yours. I want to be an Electrical Engineer highlights not only the paths you can take towards pursuing a career in this field, but also the various functions and roles that electrical engineers play for a wide variety of companies.

Meant for children aged 5-12, this children’s book may just provide a source of inspiration to the young minds of today to join a field that helps to shape the world around us!

Coming soon on Amazon!


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